Ariane B
2007-04-18 20:40:38 UTC
Do you receive asks and answers in English, because I don't speak French.?
Treize réponses:
2007-04-18 20:55:38 UTC
yes we answer in English we aren't exclu anybody because he speak English Welcome at Yahoo Question réponses
2007-04-19 10:40:38 UTC
Hi Ariane ...

U are welcome !!

Kiss =)
The Xav identity
2007-04-19 07:51:04 UTC
La Marie
2007-04-19 05:59:07 UTC
Hi Ariane,

Of course you are bienvenue!

We don't receive Yahoo! answers... but I'm sure you will find some (may be a lot of) people on Yahoo! questions/réponses who speaks English.

If you prefer to find only English speaking people, you should look on or

Good luck and welcome aboard!
2007-04-19 04:44:09 UTC
I'm American, if you have any questions. A lot of French people speak English but are afraid to use it in front of native speakers.
2007-04-19 04:12:41 UTC
yes! you're welcome
2007-04-19 03:58:26 UTC
yes,we recive,and good bye to you
2007-04-19 03:57:56 UTC
I can try, but my english is poor about vocabulary.

Nice to meet you.

Where do you come from?
2007-04-19 03:52:52 UTC
Hello Ariane !!
2007-04-19 03:50:38 UTC
About do u want to talk with? I wannna try because it's funny
2007-04-19 03:45:54 UTC
Ok Ariane , I can try to respond to you with my bad english... ;)
2007-04-19 03:45:01 UTC
what do you want ?
2007-04-19 04:52:27 UTC
just go in united state and click on the flag and you will be in your language or if you prefere go in canada english so were you want to speak english or united king dom. if you need more explication coming back and i can answer to you.

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